October was another fun month at Crossroads. During the first week, we continued to assist with Disaster Relief. We were glad to help our community and were able to get all of the supplies donated to the places that needed it and to other sites that are now handling the distribution. Once we settled from this event, we were able to return to our normal ministry programming in October.
Deacon Ordination
On October 6, we ordained four new members to our deacons and ordained one deacon who was ordained online during the pandemic. We welcomed Jeff Royce, Hunter Kittrell, John Vinson, and Jeff Rainey as our newly ordained deacons, and John Ferguson was ordained in person after being ordained online. We are excited to have these men serve our church and make a kingdom impact at Crossroads.
Operation Christmas Child Kickoff
On October 13, we kicked off our annual shoebox drive for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox. We assembled over 400 boxes with the hopes of sending 400 boxes around the world. These shoeboxes do more than give presents to children, each shoebox is also a way the Gospel message is shared with them. Shoeboxes are still available and must be returned on November 17 for our shoebox dedication Sunday.
5th & 6th Grade Hayride
Our 5th & 6th Grade Sunday School class met on Friday, October 18 for a hayride and bonfire. These students and families had a fun night on our campus celebrating fall together.
Candy Carnival
On October 26, we hosted our annual Candy Carnival. Although the rain slowed the evening, we had a fun night. We gave out lots of candy, played games, and ate lots of good food. We are grateful for all our volunteers who helped decorate and make this event a success.