Spring is in the air and our church stayed busy in April as we had lots of exciting events happening both on and off our campus!
Men's Ministry Breakfast - March Madness
Our Men's Ministry hosted its annual March Madness basketball breakfast. They enjoyed a tasty breakfast, fellowship, and playing basketball.
Campus House Lunch
A small group from Crossroads journeyed to Campus House with a nice meal to bless one of our local mission partners. They enjoyed a nice meal, fellowship, and encouraging the leaders of this ministry.
Baptism Emphases Services
In April, we celebrated a lot of baptisms, especially during our Baptism Emphases services on April 21 & 23. April Jessee, Allen Goodwin, Aiden Lyle, Davona Upshaw, Cora Conkle, Brian Sheets, Michelle Gillis, Kendra Diamond, Noah Hiilton, and Brailynn Compton were baptized in April and we are excited to walk them into this new season of faith.
Gospel, Grits, & Griddlecakes
Our choir hosted its first-ever "Gospel, Grits, & Griddlecakes," this past Sunday. Everyone enjoyed a home-cooked country breakfast, fellowship, and lots of good gospel singing.