by Tyler Jorgenson on September 30, 2024

This past Sunday, we had a moment of prayer and reflection from Psalm 23. We wanted to share this prayer as a prayer to return to throughout the coming weeks.


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

I am your sheep, Lord, you are my shepherd. Help me completely trust your provision, guidance, and protection. As long as I follow you, I know I will be content. No matter what comes my way, as long as I stay close to you, I won’t worry about anything.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

When I am anxious, afraid, or uncertain of what lies ahead, I can rest in you. Help me to slow down, stop, and dwell in your presence. You are my safe place, my refuge, my rock, my firm foundation. The place where I can find true rest and peace.

He leads me beside still waters.

You are the source of living water God. Take me to your quiet streams where I can drink deeply from your life-giving waters.

He restores my soul.

When I am downcast, exhausted, running on empty, restore me, God. This is a work only you can do and I entrust my soul to you to care for it as my shepherd. 

He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

You will lead me, God. I cannot guide myself through this life, I cannot find my way without you.  Help me trust in you to lead me. You will walk with me in the right ways that lead to everlasting life. I can trust in you and your guidance because of the goodness of your name. 

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

I know the shadow of death will come. But I will not fear it, for your son has walked through this shadow before and will be with me through it. I know you will make a way for me and not leave me to navigate this alone.

your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Your protection, correction, and discipline help me feel safe. The comfort I feel in your presence comes from your willingness to correct and guide me as I stumble along the way.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You are a generous host, God, your table is large and you work in all places, even in the presence of my enemies, your favor and blessing is working. Help me to sit and eat knowing your presence is the only one that matters. 

you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

You pour out your love on me God so much that it spills over. Your abundance and generosity pursue me. Help me to surrender to your love and let it wash over me, refreshing me and anointing me as your child.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,

You are good, faithful, and kind, God. These traits run after me, chasing me down, and refusing to leave me when I wander. Help me to live in your loving-kindness and let these surround me every day reminding me of your presence in my life.

and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

If I rest in your presence Lord, then I will dwell in your house. Help me to return to your presence all of my life, knowing you provide for me each day, refreshing my soul, providing me rest, protecting and correcting me, blessing me, and working in my life. Help me remain in your presence and work to help others find their way to you. You are a good Father, faithful King, Shepherd, protector, and Lord of all. Help me to live for your flock and your kingdom. Amen.

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