Student Ministry Bake Sale & Dessert Auction
Sunday, 12/15/24 at 9:15am

All ChurchStudent Ministry
Our Student Ministry will host its annual bake sale and dessert auction on Sunday, December 15.
The bake sale will take place from 9:15 am - 12:15 pm and items will be available for purchase in the lobby before and after both services. The live auction will take place that evening after the choir performance which starts at 6:30 pm
Proceeds from this event help support student scholarships to help students attend the Tennessee Christian Teen Convention.
Desert Auction 2024: Please bring items 30 minutes before the service you attend.
Please note that this year, we will be holding a bake sale during both services and potentially during the choir concert. Only desserts signed up beforehand will be selected for the auction; desserts not signed up will be put into the bake sale. Items will be pre-selected for the auction, and we will notify those items beforehand that they will be for the auction. If you have a question about an item that is not a dessert that can be put in the auction, please contact Michael Nickens at
Please do not ask for dessert to be included in the auction. We are so thankful we have so many lovely people who bake, and we simply can not include all of them.
You can sign up below!