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Crossroads' History

Crossroads Christian Church is a young church with a rich history. Crossroads was established as a church plant from Hales Chapel Christian Church on November 18, 2001. 

In the late 1990's Hales Chapel was growing and running out of space. There were no more Sunday School classrooms, no more parking spaces, and with even two worship services, no room in the worship center. Hales Chapel looked for places to go to build a bigger building and 21 acres were purchased off Gray Station Road, but construction never began at this property. A realtor inquired if Hales Chapel would ever sell this property if a new one was found and there were two requirements for this new property. One, it had to be on a main road, and two, it had to be at least 20 acres. Only two parcels met those requirements and one of them was the very property we are on now!

Hales Chapel inquired about purchasing the property but the owner wanted to sell the property to the Washington County School System as well as an interested investment group. The leadership and congregation started praying. Afterward, the school signed a 90-day option to buy the land from the owner. But they let the time run out. So the owner gave them a 30-day extension. The School system let that one run out too. The owner sold it to the investment group who in turn, offered it to us in July 2000. We signed the paperwork that morning and later that day it was announced that the highway department had found fossils while doing construction on the road.

Construction began on the new property in July 2000 with the name "Crossroads Christian Church" and was decided as the name for this new church.

On Easter Sunday, April 15, 2001, over 200 people gathered at the building site to place Bibles at the 4 corners of the foundation of the building. Each corner symbolized a different part of the church’s ministry: Children, Youth, Adults, and Worship, and to make the statement that we want to be a church that stands firmly on the Word of God. 

On November 18, 2001, Crossroads held our first worship services. Over 600 people attended a worship gathering that day. Over 200 individuals transferred their membership to Crossroads and 14 others came forward to make public decisions to either be baptized, to rededicate their lives, or to place new membership at Crossroads. We stand today, because of that group’s faithful commitment. 

Crossroads continued to grow and expand. The leadership decided to construct a new children’s and youth facility. On October 17, 2010, this new building was dedicated to emphasize our priority of serving students and families.

As Crossroads looks to the future. We hope to be a church that serves the community and impacts the lives of people in Gray!

20 Years Of Crossroads

In 2021, Crossroads celebrated its 20th anniversary. As part of this celebration, we looked back at what has happened over the past 20 years and looked forward to what God is still doing at Crossroads.

We culminated this celebration with an event, "This Is Our Story," where we talked about some core pieces of Crossroads history and cast a vision for what is ahead in the future of Crossroads. Our choir led us in some worship songs, including Holy, Holy, Holy, which was the first song sung in our worship center when it first opened.

Clint Andrews, the Lead Minister at Crossroads for 16 years, shared stories about the start of Crossroads and how God worked to help us get to the place we are today.

We ended our evening with a time of prayer where we wrote Bible verses and prayers around the lower level of our main building. This was a call back to when we wrote Bible verses on the floor of the worship center during construction. We used this time to pray over our building and ministries and to rededicate them both to what God has planned in the future

Stories From Crossroads' 20th Anniversary

Dot & Eddie Rowe's Crossroads Stories

Dot & Eddie Rowe have been at Crossroads from the beginning and were at Hales Chapel for years before then. They shared some about their experience with Crossroads and told some stories about us that some of us have forgotten.

Kraig Birchfield's Timothy Story

Kraig Birchfield came up through Crossroads Student Ministry and shares how his time at Crossroads helped me discern a call for ministry and what Crossroads did to equip him to be a Timothy.

Brian Briscall & Jerry Aurigema Talk About The Building

Brian Briscall and Jerry Aurigema sat down to talk about some of the stories about how the building of Crossroads' Worship Center came to be.

Nathan Hall's Timothy Story

Nathan Hall grew up at Crossroads and shares how Crossroads equipped him for ministry and helped him grow during his time in Student Ministry.